Sunday, June 24, 2007

Lake Time with the Cousins

Went to the lake this weekend with Aunt Sue, Ashley, Sara, and Dani. What a blast, Gavin even learned how to clap. We started out Friday night running a little behind. These pics are of us waiting for Sue in the Walmart parking lot. Notice how tired Gavin looks, we left around 8:30pm.

Gavin sure had alot of energy for waking us up each morning at 6:20am

Here's Gavin playing peek a boo with Grandpa under the table.

A long day of swimming wore the kids out and everyone layed down for a 2 hr nap.

Some pretty pictures of Simon.

Snack Time

On the trip home Gavin was so tuckered out that he feel asleep within 2 minutes of leaving the camp site.